Interface Source.HasAttributions

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractDataVectorSource, ClusterSource, DataVectorSource, HeatmapDataVectorSource, ImageStaticSource, ImageWmsSource, NoOpClusterSource, NoOpImageStaticSource, NoOpImageWmsSource, NoOpOsmSource, NoOpTileWmsSource, NoOpVectorSource, NoOpXyzSource, OsmSource, TileWmsSource, VectorSource, XyzSource
Enclosing class:

public static interface Source.HasAttributions
Interface to be implemented by sources that should provide attributions management.

For more details see: Source docs

  • Method Details

    • getAttributions

      List<String> getAttributions()
      the attributions of the source or null if not set
    • setAttributions

      void setAttributions(List<String> attributions)
      Sets the attributions of the source.

      For instance:

       setAttributions(List.of("©<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">
       OpenStreetMap</a>", "contributors"));
      For more details see: setAttributions docs
      attributions - info about copyrights and licences