Package io.jmix.core

Class FluentValuesLoader


@Component("core_FluentValuesLoader") @Scope("prototype") public class FluentValuesLoader extends Object
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • FluentValuesLoader

      public FluentValuesLoader(String queryString)
  • Method Details

    • createLoadContext

      protected ValueLoadContext createLoadContext()
    • list

      public List<KeyValueEntity> list()
      Loads a list of entities.
    • optional

      public Optional<KeyValueEntity> optional()
      Loads a single instance and wraps it in Optional.
    • one

      public KeyValueEntity one()
      Loads a single instance.
      NoResultException - if nothing was loaded
    • property

      public FluentValuesLoader property(String name)
      Adds a key of a returned key-value pair. The sequence of adding properties must conform to the sequence of result fields in the query "select" clause.

      For example, if the query is select, from sample$Customer and you executed property("customerId").property("customerName"), the returned KeyValueEntity will contain customer identifiers in "customerId" property and names in "customerName" property.

    • properties

      public FluentValuesLoader properties(List<String> properties)
      The same as invoking property(String) multiple times.
    • properties

      public FluentValuesLoader properties(String... properties)
      The same as invoking property(String) multiple times.
    • store

      public FluentValuesLoader store(String store)
      Sets DataStore name.
    • hint

      public FluentValuesLoader hint(String hintName, Serializable value)
      Sets custom hint that should be used by the query.
    • hints

      public FluentValuesLoader hints(Map<String,Serializable> hints)
      Sets custom hints that should be used by the query.
    • parameter

      public FluentValuesLoader parameter(String name, Object value)
      Sets value for a query parameter.
      name - parameter name
      value - parameter value
    • parameter

      public FluentValuesLoader parameter(String name, Date value, jakarta.persistence.TemporalType temporalType)
      Sets value for a parameter of java.util.Date type.
      name - parameter name
      value - parameter value
      temporalType - how to interpret the value
    • parameter

      public FluentValuesLoader parameter(String name, Object value, boolean implicitConversion)
      Sets value for a query parameter.
      name - parameter name
      value - parameter value
      implicitConversion - whether to do parameter value conversions, e.g. convert an entity to its ID
    • setParameters

      public FluentValuesLoader setParameters(Map<String,Object> parameters)
      Sets the map of query parameters.
    • firstResult

      public FluentValuesLoader firstResult(int firstResult)
      Sets results offset.
    • maxResults

      public FluentValuesLoader maxResults(int maxResults)
      Sets results limit.
    • lockMode

      public FluentValuesLoader lockMode(jakarta.persistence.LockModeType lockMode)
      Sets a lock mode to be used when executing query.
    • setDataManager

      public void setDataManager(UnconstrainedDataManager dataManager)
    • joinTransaction

      public io.jmix.core.AbstractFluentValueLoader joinTransaction(boolean join)
    • accessConstraints

      public io.jmix.core.AbstractFluentValueLoader accessConstraints(List<AccessConstraint<?>> accessConstraints)
      Sets access constraints.
    • instantiateValueLoadContext

      protected ValueLoadContext instantiateValueLoadContext()