Interface AccessConstraint<T extends AccessContext>

Type Parameters:
T - access context for which this constraint is applied
All Known Subinterfaces:
EntityOperationConstraint<T>, GraphQLOperationConstraint<T>, InMemoryConstraint<T>, RowLevelConstraint<T>, SpecificConstraint<T>
All Known Implementing Classes:
CrudEntityConstraint, EntityAttributeConstraint, ExportImportEntityConstraint, GraphQLOperationConstraintImpl, InMemoryCrudEntityConstraint, LoadValuesConstraint, ReadEntityQueryConstraint, SpecificConstraintImpl, UiEntityConstraint, UiMenuConstraint, UiShowViewConstraint

public interface AccessConstraint<T extends AccessContext>
Base interface of classes that make authorization decisions.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    applyTo(T context)
    Applies the constraint to the given access context.
    Returns the access constraint type.
  • Method Details

    • getContextType

      Class<T> getContextType()
      Returns the access constraint type.
    • applyTo

      void applyTo(T context)
      Applies the constraint to the given access context.