Interface RoleRepository<T extends BaseRole>

All Known Subinterfaces:
ResourceRoleRepository, RowLevelRoleRepository
All Known Implementing Classes:
ResourceRoleRepositoryImpl, RowLevelRoleRepositoryImpl

public interface RoleRepository<T extends BaseRole>
Interface for roles repository. Implementations of the interface are responsible for finding roles of different types: resource, row-level, etc.
  • Method Details

    • getRoleByCode

      T getRoleByCode(String code)
    • findRoleByCode

      @Nullable T findRoleByCode(String code)
    • deleteRole

      boolean deleteRole(String code)
    • getAllRoles

      Collection<T> getAllRoles()
    • invalidateCache

      void invalidateCache()
      Invalidates role cache. The method must be invoked after each role modification, for example, when database role is changed with the UI or annotated role is hot deployed.