Interface ExtractionContext

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ExtractionContext
This interface implementation should presents extraction context dependent state

The default implementation is io.jmix.reports.yarg.reporting.extraction.ExtractionContextImpl

  • Method Details

    • putEmptyRowIfNoDataSelected

      boolean putEmptyRowIfNoDataSelected()
      boolean flag that controller should create empty data row if no report query data presented
    • getBand

      ReportBand getBand()
      current processing report band
    • getParentBandData

      BandData getParentBandData()
      parent report band loaded data
    • getParams

      Map<String,Object> getParams()
      params for data loader
    • extendParams

      ExtractionContext extendParams(Map<String,Object> params)
      Method must extend existed params with presented params map
    • withParams

      ExtractionContext withParams(Map<String,Object> params)
      Method must create new version of context with new params (not extended)
    • withBand

      ExtractionContext withBand(ReportBand band, BandData parentBand)
      Method must create new version of context with new report band and parent band data
    • withParentData

      ExtractionContext withParentData(BandData parentBand)
      Method must create new version of context with parent band data