All Implemented Interfaces:
HasPosition<Toolbox>, Serializable

public class Toolbox extends ChartObservableObject implements HasPosition<Toolbox>
Toolbox is a group of utility tools, which includes different features. More detailed information is provided in the documentation.
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • Toolbox

      public Toolbox()
  • Method Details

    • getId

      public String getId()
    • setId

      public void setId(String id)
    • getShow

      public Boolean getShow()
    • setShow

      public void setShow(Boolean show)
    • getOrientation

      public Orientation getOrientation()
    • setOrientation

      public void setOrientation(Orientation orientation)
    • getItemSize

      public Integer getItemSize()
    • setItemSize

      public void setItemSize(Integer itemSize)
    • getItemGap

      public Integer getItemGap()
    • setItemGap

      public void setItemGap(Integer itemGap)
    • getShowTitle

      public Boolean getShowTitle()
    • setShowTitle

      public void setShowTitle(Boolean showTitle)
    • getFeatures

      public Map<String,ToolboxFeature> getFeatures()
    • setFeatures

      public void setFeatures(List<ToolboxFeature> features)
    • setFeatures

      public void setFeatures(ToolboxFeature... features)
    • removeFeature

      public void removeFeature(ToolboxFeature feature)
    • addFeature

      public void addFeature(ToolboxFeature feature)
    • getIconStyle

      public ItemStyle getIconStyle()
    • setIconStyle

      public void setIconStyle(ItemStyle iconStyle)
    • getEmphasis

      public Emphasis getEmphasis()
    • setEmphasis

      public void setEmphasis(Emphasis emphasis)
    • getZLevel

      public Integer getZLevel()
    • setZLevel

      public void setZLevel(Integer zLevel)
    • getZ

      public Integer getZ()
    • setZ

      public void setZ(Integer z)
    • getLeft

      public String getLeft()
      Specified by:
      getLeft in interface HasPosition<Toolbox>
      distance between component and the left side of the container
    • setLeft

      public void setLeft(String left)
      Description copied from interface: HasPosition
      Sets a distance between component and the left side of the container.
      Possible values are:
      • A pixel value like "20".
      • Percentage value relative to container width like "20%".
      • Predefined values like "left", "center", "right".
      Specified by:
      setLeft in interface HasPosition<Toolbox>
      left - distance to set
    • getTop

      public String getTop()
      Specified by:
      getTop in interface HasPosition<Toolbox>
      distance between component and the top side of the container
    • setTop

      public void setTop(String top)
      Description copied from interface: HasPosition
      Sets a distance between component and the top side of the container.
      Possible values are:
      • A pixel value like "20".
      • Percentage value relative to container width like "20%".
      • Predefined values like "top", "middle", "bottom".
      Specified by:
      setTop in interface HasPosition<Toolbox>
      top - distance to set
    • getRight

      public String getRight()
      Specified by:
      getRight in interface HasPosition<Toolbox>
      distance between component and the right side of the container
    • setRight

      public void setRight(String right)
      Description copied from interface: HasPosition
      Sets a distance between component and the right side of the container.
      Possible values are:
      • A pixel value like "20".
      • Percentage value relative to container width like "20%".
      Specified by:
      setRight in interface HasPosition<Toolbox>
      right - distance to set
    • getBottom

      public String getBottom()
      Specified by:
      getBottom in interface HasPosition<Toolbox>
      distance between component and the bottom side of the container
    • setBottom

      public void setBottom(String bottom)
      Description copied from interface: HasPosition
      Sets a distance between component and the bottom side of the container.
      Possible values are:
      • A pixel value like "20".
      • Percentage value relative to container width like "20%".
      Specified by:
      setBottom in interface HasPosition<Toolbox>
      bottom - distance to set
    • getWidth

      public String getWidth()
    • setWidth

      public void setWidth(String width)
    • getHeight

      public String getHeight()
    • setHeight

      public void setHeight(String height)
    • getTooltip

      public Tooltip getTooltip()
    • setTooltip

      public void setTooltip(Tooltip tooltip)
    • withId

      public Toolbox withId(String id)
    • withShow

      public Toolbox withShow(Boolean show)
    • withOrientation

      public Toolbox withOrientation(Orientation orientation)
    • withItemSize

      public Toolbox withItemSize(Integer itemSize)
    • withItemGap

      public Toolbox withItemGap(Integer itemGap)
    • withShowTitle

      public Toolbox withShowTitle(Boolean showTitle)
    • withFeatures

      public Toolbox withFeatures(ToolboxFeature... features)
    • withFeature

      public Toolbox withFeature(ToolboxFeature feature)
    • withIconStyle

      public Toolbox withIconStyle(ItemStyle iconStyle)
    • withEmphasis

      public Toolbox withEmphasis(Emphasis emphasis)
    • withZLevel

      public Toolbox withZLevel(Integer zLevel)
    • withZ

      public Toolbox withZ(Integer z)
    • withWidth

      public Toolbox withWidth(String width)
    • withHeight

      public Toolbox withHeight(String height)
    • withTooltip

      public Toolbox withTooltip(Tooltip tooltip)