All Implemented Interfaces:
HasPosition<PieSeries>, Serializable

public class PieSeries extends AbstractAxisAwareSeries<PieSeries> implements HasPosition<PieSeries>
The pie chart is mainly used for showing proportion of different categories. Each arc length represents the proportion of data quantity. More detailed information is provided in the documentation.
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • PieSeries

      public PieSeries()
  • Method Details

    • withGeoIndex

      public PieSeries withGeoIndex(Integer geoIndex)
    • withCalendarIndex

      public PieSeries withCalendarIndex(Integer calendarIndex)
    • withSelectedOffset

      public PieSeries withSelectedOffset(Integer selectedOffset)
    • withClockwise

      public PieSeries withClockwise(Boolean clockwise)
    • withStartAngle

      public PieSeries withStartAngle(Integer startAngle)
    • withMinAngle

      public PieSeries withMinAngle(Integer minAngle)
    • withMinShowLabelAngle

      public PieSeries withMinShowLabelAngle(Integer minShowLabelAngle)
    • withRoseType

      public PieSeries withRoseType(PieSeries.RoseType roseType)
    • withAvoidLabelOverlap

      public PieSeries withAvoidLabelOverlap(Boolean avoidLabelOverlap)
    • withStillShowZeroSum

      public PieSeries withStillShowZeroSum(Boolean stillShowZeroSum)
    • withPercentPrecision

      public PieSeries withPercentPrecision(Integer percentPrecision)
    • getGeoIndex

      public Integer getGeoIndex()
    • setGeoIndex

      public void setGeoIndex(Integer geoIndex)
    • getCalendarIndex

      public Integer getCalendarIndex()
    • setCalendarIndex

      public void setCalendarIndex(Integer calendarIndex)
    • getSelectedOffset

      public Integer getSelectedOffset()
    • setSelectedOffset

      public void setSelectedOffset(Integer selectedOffset)
    • getClockwise

      public Boolean getClockwise()
    • setClockwise

      public void setClockwise(Boolean clockwise)
    • getStartAngle

      public Integer getStartAngle()
    • setStartAngle

      public void setStartAngle(Integer startAngle)
    • getMinAngle

      public Integer getMinAngle()
    • setMinAngle

      public void setMinAngle(Integer minAngle)
    • getMinShowLabelAngle

      public Integer getMinShowLabelAngle()
    • setMinShowLabelAngle

      public void setMinShowLabelAngle(Integer minShowLabelAngle)
    • getRoseType

      public PieSeries.RoseType getRoseType()
    • setRoseType

      public void setRoseType(PieSeries.RoseType roseType)
    • getAvoidLabelOverlap

      public Boolean getAvoidLabelOverlap()
    • setAvoidLabelOverlap

      public void setAvoidLabelOverlap(Boolean avoidLabelOverlap)
    • getStillShowZeroSum

      public Boolean getStillShowZeroSum()
    • setStillShowZeroSum

      public void setStillShowZeroSum(Boolean stillShowZeroSum)
    • getPercentPrecision

      public Integer getPercentPrecision()
    • setPercentPrecision

      public void setPercentPrecision(Integer percentPrecision)
    • getLeft

      public String getLeft()
      Specified by:
      getLeft in interface HasPosition<PieSeries>
      distance between component and the left side of the container
    • setLeft

      public void setLeft(String left)
      Description copied from interface: HasPosition
      Sets a distance between component and the left side of the container.
      Possible values are:
      • A pixel value like "20".
      • Percentage value relative to container width like "20%".
      • Predefined values like "left", "center", "right".
      Specified by:
      setLeft in interface HasPosition<PieSeries>
      left - distance to set
    • getTop

      public String getTop()
      Specified by:
      getTop in interface HasPosition<PieSeries>
      distance between component and the top side of the container
    • setTop

      public void setTop(String top)
      Description copied from interface: HasPosition
      Sets a distance between component and the top side of the container.
      Possible values are:
      • A pixel value like "20".
      • Percentage value relative to container width like "20%".
      • Predefined values like "top", "middle", "bottom".
      Specified by:
      setTop in interface HasPosition<PieSeries>
      top - distance to set
    • getRight

      public String getRight()
      Specified by:
      getRight in interface HasPosition<PieSeries>
      distance between component and the right side of the container
    • setRight

      public void setRight(String right)
      Description copied from interface: HasPosition
      Sets a distance between component and the right side of the container.
      Possible values are:
      • A pixel value like "20".
      • Percentage value relative to container width like "20%".
      Specified by:
      setRight in interface HasPosition<PieSeries>
      right - distance to set
    • getBottom

      public String getBottom()
      Specified by:
      getBottom in interface HasPosition<PieSeries>
      distance between component and the bottom side of the container
    • setBottom

      public void setBottom(String bottom)
      Description copied from interface: HasPosition
      Sets a distance between component and the bottom side of the container.
      Possible values are:
      • A pixel value like "20".
      • Percentage value relative to container width like "20%".
      Specified by:
      setBottom in interface HasPosition<PieSeries>
      bottom - distance to set
    • getWidth

      public String getWidth()
    • setWidth

      public void setWidth(String width)
    • getHeight

      public String getHeight()
    • setHeight

      public void setHeight(String height)
    • getCursor

      public String getCursor()
    • setCursor

      public void setCursor(String cursor)
    • getShowEmptyCircle

      public Boolean getShowEmptyCircle()
    • setShowEmptyCircle

      public void setShowEmptyCircle(Boolean showEmptyCircle)
    • getEmptyCircleStyle

      public ItemStyle getEmptyCircleStyle()
    • setEmptyCircleStyle

      public void setEmptyCircleStyle(ItemStyle emptyCircleStyle)
    • getLabelLine

      public PieSeries.LabelLine getLabelLine()
    • setLabelLine

      public void setLabelLine(PieSeries.LabelLine labelLine)
    • getItemStyle

      public ItemStyle getItemStyle()
    • setItemStyle

      public void setItemStyle(ItemStyle itemStyle)
    • getEmphasis

      public PieSeries.Emphasis getEmphasis()
    • setEmphasis

      public void setEmphasis(PieSeries.Emphasis emphasis)
    • getBlur

      public PieSeries.Blur getBlur()
    • setBlur

      public void setBlur(PieSeries.Blur blur)
    • getSelected

      public PieSeries.Selected getSelected()
    • setSelected

      public void setSelected(PieSeries.Selected selected)
    • getCenter

      public String[] getCenter()
    • setCenter

      public void setCenter(String x, String y)
    • getRadius

      public String[] getRadius()
    • setRadius

      public void setRadius(String innerRadius, String outerRadius)
    • getAnimationType

      public PieSeries.AnimationType getAnimationType()
    • setAnimationType

      public void setAnimationType(PieSeries.AnimationType animationType)
    • getAnimationTypeUpdate

      public PieSeries.AnimationUpdateType getAnimationTypeUpdate()
    • setAnimationTypeUpdate

      public void setAnimationTypeUpdate(PieSeries.AnimationUpdateType animationTypeUpdate)
    • getAnimation

      public Boolean getAnimation()
    • setAnimation

      public void setAnimation(Boolean animation)
    • getAnimationThreshold

      public Integer getAnimationThreshold()
    • setAnimationThreshold

      public void setAnimationThreshold(Integer animationThreshold)
    • getAnimationDurationUpdate

      public Integer getAnimationDurationUpdate()
    • setAnimationDurationUpdate

      public void setAnimationDurationUpdate(Integer animationDurationUpdate)
    • getAnimationEasingUpdate

      public String getAnimationEasingUpdate()
    • setAnimationEasingUpdate

      public void setAnimationEasingUpdate(String animationEasingUpdate)
    • getAnimationDelayUpdate

      public Integer getAnimationDelayUpdate()
    • setAnimationDelayUpdate

      public void setAnimationDelayUpdate(Integer animationDelayUpdate)
    • withWidth

      public PieSeries withWidth(String width)
    • withHeight

      public PieSeries withHeight(String height)
    • withCursor

      public PieSeries withCursor(String cursor)
    • withShowEmptyCircle

      public PieSeries withShowEmptyCircle(Boolean showEmptyCircle)
    • withEmptyCircleStyle

      public PieSeries withEmptyCircleStyle(ItemStyle emptyCircleStyle)
    • withLabelLine

      public PieSeries withLabelLine(PieSeries.LabelLine labelLine)
    • withItemStyle

      public PieSeries withItemStyle(ItemStyle itemStyle)
    • withEmphasis

      public PieSeries withEmphasis(PieSeries.Emphasis emphasis)
    • withBlur

      public PieSeries withBlur(PieSeries.Blur blur)
    • withSelected

      public PieSeries withSelected(PieSeries.Selected selected)
    • withCenter

      public PieSeries withCenter(String x, String y)
    • withRadius

      public PieSeries withRadius(String innerRadius, String outerRadius)
    • withAnimationType

      public PieSeries withAnimationType(PieSeries.AnimationType animationType)
    • withAnimationTypeUpdate

      public PieSeries withAnimationTypeUpdate(PieSeries.AnimationUpdateType animationTypeUpdate)
    • withAnimation

      public PieSeries withAnimation(Boolean animation)
    • withAnimationThreshold

      public PieSeries withAnimationThreshold(Integer animationThreshold)
    • withAnimationDurationUpdate

      public PieSeries withAnimationDurationUpdate(Integer animationDurationUpdate)
    • withAnimationEasingUpdate

      public PieSeries withAnimationEasingUpdate(String animationEasingUpdate)
    • withAnimationDelayUpdate

      public PieSeries withAnimationDelayUpdate(Integer animationDelayUpdate)