Class ViewNavigationDelegate<N extends AbstractViewNavigator>

Type Parameters:
N - type of navigator (e.g. ViewNavigator, etc)

public class ViewNavigationDelegate<N extends AbstractViewNavigator> extends Object
Class is designed for processing navigation in UI integration tests.

For building backward navigation URL it uses:

  • "http://"
  • "localhost"
  • RouteParameters
  • QueryParameters

During the navigation Vaadin ignores "http://" and "localhost" parts.

It saves current URL in VaadinSession and for new navigation will be used as backward navigation URL.

  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • processNavigation

      public void processNavigation(N navigator, Class<? extends View<?>> viewClass, com.vaadin.flow.router.RouteParameters routeParameters, com.vaadin.flow.router.QueryParameters queryParameters, Consumer<View<?>> fireAfterViewNavigation)
    • fetchCurrentUrl

      protected URL fetchCurrentUrl()
    • saveCurrentNavigation

      protected void saveCurrentNavigation(Class<? extends View<?>> viewClass, com.vaadin.flow.router.RouteParameters routeParameters, com.vaadin.flow.router.QueryParameters queryParameters)
    • getRouteConfiguration

      protected com.vaadin.flow.router.RouteConfiguration getRouteConfiguration()
    • getHostUrl

      protected URL getHostUrl()
    • getProtocol

      protected String getProtocol()
      During the processing URL for navigation Vaadin ignores protocol and host. The default value is "http://".
    • getHostAddress

      protected String getHostAddress()
      During the processing URL for navigation Vaadin ignores protocol and host. The default value is "localhost".
      host address