Class SkippableCondition<T extends SkippableCondition<T>>

Type Parameters:
T - class of inheritor.
All Implemented Interfaces:
Condition, Serializable
Direct Known Subclasses:
JpqlCondition, PropertyCondition

public abstract class SkippableCondition<T extends SkippableCondition<T>> extends Object implements Condition
Abstract superclass for conditions which have parameters and may be skipped in case of parameter is absent, null or empty.
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • skipNullOrEmpty

      protected Boolean skipNullOrEmpty
      Whether to skip this condition if one or more parameters are absent, null or empty
  • Constructor Details

    • SkippableCondition

      public SkippableCondition()
  • Method Details

    • setSkipNullOrEmpty

      public void setSkipNullOrEmpty(boolean skipNullOrEmpty)
      skipNullOrEmpty - whether to skip this condition if parameter is absent, null or empty
    • isSkipNullOrEmpty

      public boolean isSkipNullOrEmpty()
      whether to skip this condition if parameter is absent, null or empty
    • skipNullOrEmpty

      public T skipNullOrEmpty()
      Make this condition to be skipped if parameter is absent, null or empty. Allows to skip filtering if no value specified in UI component.
    • applyDefaultSkipNullOrEmpty

      protected void applyDefaultSkipNullOrEmpty(boolean defaultSkipNullOrEmpty)