Class JmixDataRepositoryImpl<T,ID>

Type Parameters:
T -
ID -
All Implemented Interfaces:

@NoRepositoryBean public class JmixDataRepositoryImpl<T,ID> extends Object implements JmixDataRepository<T,ID>,<T,ID>
Implementation of base repository methods used by application repository beans.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • create

      public T create()
      Description copied from interface: JmixDataRepository
      Instantiate an entity. Invokes Metadata.create(Class)
      Specified by:
      create in interface JmixDataRepository<T,ID>
      new instance of <T>.
    • findById

      public Optional<T> findById(ID id, FetchPlan fetchPlan)
      Description copied from interface: JmixDataRepository
      Loads an entity by its id according to fetchPlan
      Specified by:
      findById in interface JmixDataRepository<T,ID>
      id - must not be null.
      the entity with the given id or Optional#empty() if none found.
    • getById

      public T getById(ID id, FetchPlan fetchPlan)
      Description copied from interface: JmixDataRepository
      Loads an entity by its id according to fetchPlan
      Specified by:
      getById in interface JmixDataRepository<T,ID>
      id - must not be null.
      the entity with the given id
    • getById

      public T getById(ID id)
      Description copied from interface: JmixDataRepository
      Loads an entity by its id
      Specified by:
      getById in interface JmixDataRepository<T,ID>
      id - must not be null.
      the entity with the given id
    • findAll

      public Iterable<T> findAll(FetchPlan fetchPlan)
      Description copied from interface: JmixDataRepository
      Returns all instances of the type T loaded according to fetchPlan
      Specified by:
      findAll in interface JmixDataRepository<T,ID>
      all entities
    • findAll

      public Iterable<T> findAll(JmixDataRepositoryContext context)
      Description copied from interface: JmixDataRepository
      Returns all instances of the type T loaded by context
      Specified by:
      findAll in interface JmixDataRepository<T,ID>
      entities by context
      See Also:
    • findAll

      public Iterable<T> findAll(Iterable<ID> ids, @Nullable FetchPlan fetchPlan)
      Description copied from interface: JmixDataRepository
      Returns all instances of the type T with the given IDs loaded according to fetchPlan

      If some or all ids are not found, no entities are returned for these IDs.

      Specified by:
      findAll in interface JmixDataRepository<T,ID>
      ids - must not be null nor contain any null values.
      fetchPlan - defines entity graph to load. FetchPlan.BASE will be used instead in case of null.
      guaranteed to be not null. The size can be equal or less than the number of given ids.
    • save

      public <S extends T> S save(S entity)
      Specified by:
      save in interface<T,ID>
    • saveAll

      public <S extends T> Iterable<S> saveAll(Iterable<S> entities)
      Specified by:
      saveAll in interface<T,ID>
    • findById

      public Optional<T> findById(ID id)
      Specified by:
      findById in interface<T,ID>
    • existsById

      public boolean existsById(ID id)
      Specified by:
      existsById in interface<T,ID>
    • findAll

      public Iterable<T> findAll()
      Specified by:
      findAll in interface<T,ID>
    • findAllById

      public Iterable<T> findAllById(Iterable<ID> ids)
      Specified by:
      findAllById in interface<T,ID>
    • count

      public long count()
      Specified by:
      count in interface<T,ID>
    • deleteById

      public void deleteById(ID id)
      Specified by:
      deleteById in interface<T,ID>
    • delete

      public void delete(T entity)
      Specified by:
      delete in interface<T,ID>
    • deleteAll

      public void deleteAll(Iterable<? extends T> entities)
      Specified by:
      deleteAll in interface<T,ID>
    • deleteAllById

      public void deleteAllById(Iterable<? extends ID> ids)
      Specified by:
      deleteAllById in interface<T,ID>
    • deleteAll

      public void deleteAll()
      Specified by:
      deleteAll in interface<T,ID>
    • deleteInternal

      protected void deleteInternal(Object... entities)
    • getDomainClass

      public Class<T> getDomainClass()
    • setDomainClass

      public void setDomainClass(Class<T> domainClass)
    • findAll

      public Iterable<T> findAll( sort)
      Specified by:
      findAll in interface<T,ID>
    • findAll

      public<T> findAll( pageable)
      Specified by:
      findAll in interface<T,ID>
    • findAll

      public Iterable<T> findAll( sort, @Nullable FetchPlan fetchPlan)
      Description copied from interface: JmixDataRepository
      Returns all entities sorted by the given options and loaded by specified FetchPlan.
      Specified by:
      findAll in interface JmixDataRepository<T,ID>
      fetchPlan - to load entity. FetchPlan.BASE will be used if fetchPlan == null
      all entities sorted by the given options
    • findAll

      public<T> findAll( pageable, @Nullable FetchPlan fetchPlan)
      Description copied from interface: JmixDataRepository
      Returns a Page of entities meeting the paging restriction provided in the Pageable object. Entities will be loaded according to passed fetchPlan
      Specified by:
      findAll in interface JmixDataRepository<T,ID>
      fetchPlan - to load entities. FetchPlan.BASE will be used if fetchPlan == null
      a page of entities
    • findAll

      public<T> findAll( pageable, JmixDataRepositoryContext jmixContext)
      Description copied from interface: JmixDataRepository
      Returns a Page of entities meeting the paging restriction provided in the Pageable object. Entities will be loaded according to passed params
      Specified by:
      findAll in interface JmixDataRepository<T,ID>
      jmixContext - JmixDataRepositoryContext to load entities.
      a page of entities
    • count

      public long count(JmixDataRepositoryContext jmixContext)
      Description copied from interface: JmixDataRepository
      Returns the number of entities satisfying context available.
      Specified by:
      count in interface JmixDataRepository<T,ID>
      the number of entities satisfying context.
    • save

      public <S extends T> S save(S entity, FetchPlan fetchPlan)
      Description copied from interface: JmixDataRepository
      Saves the entity and returns saved instance loaded with specified fetchPlan.
      Specified by:
      save in interface JmixDataRepository<T,ID>
      entity - entity to save. Must not be null
      fetchPlan - FetchPlan to reload saved entity with. Must be applicable to entity
    • getSuitableDataManager

      protected UnconstrainedDataManager getSuitableDataManager()
    • getDataManager

      public DataManager getDataManager()
      Specified by:
      getDataManager in interface JmixDataRepository<T,ID>
      DataManager to use in default methods.
    • getHints

      protected Map<String,Serializable> getHints()
    • conditionOrAllLoader

      protected FluentLoader.ByCondition<T> conditionOrAllLoader(@Nullable Condition condition)
    • allLoader

      protected FluentLoader.ByCondition<T> allLoader()
    • idLoader

      protected FluentLoader.ById<T> idLoader(ID id)
    • toCollection

      protected Collection<ID> toCollection(Iterable<ID> ids)