Class AbstractVisualMap<T extends AbstractVisualMap<T>>

Type Parameters:
T - origin class type
All Implemented Interfaces:
HasPosition<T>, HasPadding<T>, Serializable
Direct Known Subclasses:
ContinuousVisualMap, PiecewiseVisualMap

public abstract class AbstractVisualMap<T extends AbstractVisualMap<T>> extends ChartObservableObject implements HasPadding<T>, HasPosition<T>
Base class for component type for visual encoding. Multiple visualMap component could be defined in a chart instance, which enable that different dimensions of a series data are mapped to different visual channels. More detailed information is provided in the documentation.
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractVisualMap

      protected AbstractVisualMap(VisualMapType type)
  • Method Details

    • getId

      public String getId()
    • setId

      public void setId(String id)
    • getType

      public VisualMapType getType()
    • getMin

      public Double getMin()
    • setMin

      public void setMin(Double min)
    • getMax

      public Double getMax()
    • setMax

      public void setMax(Double max)
    • getInverse

      public Boolean getInverse()
    • setInverse

      public void setInverse(Boolean inverse)
    • getPrecision

      public Double getPrecision()
    • setPrecision

      public void setPrecision(Double precision)
    • getItemWidth

      public Double getItemWidth()
    • setItemWidth

      public void setItemWidth(Double itemWidth)
    • getItemHeight

      public Double getItemHeight()
    • setItemHeight

      public void setItemHeight(Double itemHeight)
    • getAlign

      public AbstractVisualMap.MapAlign getAlign()
    • setAlign

      public void setAlign(AbstractVisualMap.MapAlign align)
    • getText

      public String[] getText()
    • setText

      public void setText(String startText, String endTest)
    • getTextGap

      public Double getTextGap()
    • setTextGap

      public void setTextGap(Double textGap)
    • getShow

      public Boolean getShow()
    • setShow

      public void setShow(Boolean show)
    • getDimension

      public String getDimension()
    • setDimension

      public void setDimension(String dimension)
    • getSeriesIndex

      public Integer[] getSeriesIndex()
    • setSeriesIndex

      public void setSeriesIndex(Integer... seriesIndex)
    • getHoverLink

      public Boolean getHoverLink()
    • setHoverLink

      public void setHoverLink(Boolean hoverLink)
    • getInRange

      public VisualEffect getInRange()
    • setInRange

      public void setInRange(VisualEffect inRange)
    • getOutOfRange

      public VisualEffect getOutOfRange()
    • setOutOfRange

      public void setOutOfRange(VisualEffect outOfRange)
    • getController

      public AbstractVisualMap.VisualMapController getController()
    • setController

      public void setController(AbstractVisualMap.VisualMapController controller)
    • getZLevel

      public Double getZLevel()
    • setZLevel

      public void setZLevel(Double zLevel)
    • getZ

      public Double getZ()
    • setZ

      public void setZ(Double z)
    • getLeft

      public String getLeft()
      Specified by:
      getLeft in interface HasPosition<T extends AbstractVisualMap<T>>
      distance between component and the left side of the container
    • setLeft

      public void setLeft(String left)
      Description copied from interface: HasPosition
      Sets a distance between component and the left side of the container.
      Possible values are:
      • A pixel value like "20".
      • Percentage value relative to container width like "20%".
      • Predefined values like "left", "center", "right".
      Specified by:
      setLeft in interface HasPosition<T extends AbstractVisualMap<T>>
      left - distance to set
    • getTop

      public String getTop()
      Specified by:
      getTop in interface HasPosition<T extends AbstractVisualMap<T>>
      distance between component and the top side of the container
    • setTop

      public void setTop(String top)
      Description copied from interface: HasPosition
      Sets a distance between component and the top side of the container.
      Possible values are:
      • A pixel value like "20".
      • Percentage value relative to container width like "20%".
      • Predefined values like "top", "middle", "bottom".
      Specified by:
      setTop in interface HasPosition<T extends AbstractVisualMap<T>>
      top - distance to set
    • getRight

      public String getRight()
      Specified by:
      getRight in interface HasPosition<T extends AbstractVisualMap<T>>
      distance between component and the right side of the container
    • setRight

      public void setRight(String right)
      Description copied from interface: HasPosition
      Sets a distance between component and the right side of the container.
      Possible values are:
      • A pixel value like "20".
      • Percentage value relative to container width like "20%".
      Specified by:
      setRight in interface HasPosition<T extends AbstractVisualMap<T>>
      right - distance to set
    • getBottom

      public String getBottom()
      Specified by:
      getBottom in interface HasPosition<T extends AbstractVisualMap<T>>
      distance between component and the bottom side of the container
    • setBottom

      public void setBottom(String bottom)
      Description copied from interface: HasPosition
      Sets a distance between component and the bottom side of the container.
      Possible values are:
      • A pixel value like "20".
      • Percentage value relative to container width like "20%".
      Specified by:
      setBottom in interface HasPosition<T extends AbstractVisualMap<T>>
      bottom - distance to set
    • getPadding

      public Padding getPadding()
      Specified by:
      getPadding in interface HasPadding<T extends AbstractVisualMap<T>>
      space around content
    • setPadding

      public void setPadding(Integer padding)
      Description copied from interface: HasPadding
      Sets padding on each of the four sides or replaces an existing one. The unit is px.
      Specified by:
      setPadding in interface HasPadding<T extends AbstractVisualMap<T>>
      padding - padding to set
    • setPadding

      public void setPadding(Integer vertical, Integer horizontal)
      Description copied from interface: HasPadding
      Sets the top/bottom and left/right paddings or replaces an existing one. The unit is px.
      Specified by:
      setPadding in interface HasPadding<T extends AbstractVisualMap<T>>
      vertical - top and bottom padding to set
      horizontal - left and right padding to set
    • setPadding

      public void setPadding(Integer top, Integer right, Integer bottom, Integer left)
      Description copied from interface: HasPadding
      Sets each of the four paddings separately. The unit is px.
      Specified by:
      setPadding in interface HasPadding<T extends AbstractVisualMap<T>>
      top - top padding to set
      right - right padding to set
      bottom - bottom padding to set
      left - left padding to set
    • getBackgroundColor

      public Color getBackgroundColor()
    • setBackgroundColor

      public void setBackgroundColor(Color backgroundColor)
    • getBorderColor

      public Color getBorderColor()
    • setBorderColor

      public void setBorderColor(Color borderColor)
    • getBorderWidth

      public Double getBorderWidth()
    • setBorderWidth

      public void setBorderWidth(Double borderWidth)
    • getTextStyle

      public TextStyle getTextStyle()
    • setTextStyle

      public void setTextStyle(TextStyle textStyle)
    • getFormatter

      public String getFormatter()
    • setFormatter

      public void setFormatter(String formatter)
    • getFormatterFunction

      public JsFunction getFormatterFunction()
    • setFormatterFunction

      public void setFormatterFunction(JsFunction formatterFunction)
    • setFormatterFunction

      public void setFormatterFunction(String formatterFunction)
    • getOrientation

      public Orientation getOrientation()
    • setOrientation

      public void setOrientation(Orientation orientation)
    • withId

      public T withId(String id)
    • withMin

      public T withMin(Double min)
    • withMax

      public T withMax(Double max)
    • withInverse

      public T withInverse(Boolean inverse)
    • withPrecision

      public T withPrecision(Double precision)
    • withItemWidth

      public T withItemWidth(Double itemWidth)
    • withItemHeight

      public T withItemHeight(Double itemHeight)
    • withAlign

      public T withAlign(AbstractVisualMap.MapAlign align)
    • withText

      public T withText(String startText, String endText)
    • withTextGap

      public T withTextGap(Double textGap)
    • withShow

      public T withShow(Boolean show)
    • withDimension

      public T withDimension(String dimension)
    • withSeriesIndex

      public T withSeriesIndex(Integer... seriesIndex)
    • withHoverLink

      public T withHoverLink(Boolean hoverLink)
    • withInRange

      public T withInRange(VisualEffect inRange)
    • withOutOfRange

      public T withOutOfRange(VisualEffect outOfRange)
    • withController

      public T withController(AbstractVisualMap.VisualMapController controller)
    • withZLevel

      public T withZLevel(Double zLevel)
    • withZ

      public T withZ(Double z)
    • withBackgroundColor

      public T withBackgroundColor(Color backgroundColor)
    • withBorderColor

      public T withBorderColor(Color borderColor)
    • withBorderWidth

      public T withBorderWidth(Double borderWidth)
    • withTextStyle

      public T withTextStyle(TextStyle textStyle)
    • withFormatter

      public T withFormatter(String formatter)
    • withFormatterFunction

      public T withFormatterFunction(JsFunction formatterFunction)
    • withFormatterFunction

      public T withFormatterFunction(String formatterFunction)
    • withOrientation

      public T withOrientation(Orientation orient)