All Implemented Interfaces:
HasSymbols<RadarSeries>, Serializable

public class RadarSeries extends AbstractSeries<RadarSeries> implements HasSymbols<RadarSeries>
Radar chart is mainly used to show multi-variable data, such as the analysis of a football player's varied attributes. More detailed information is provided in the documentation.
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • RadarSeries

      public RadarSeries()
  • Method Details

    • getRadarIndex

      public Integer getRadarIndex()
    • setRadarIndex

      public void setRadarIndex(Integer radarIndex)
    • getSymbol

      public HasSymbols.Symbol getSymbol()
      Specified by:
      getSymbol in interface HasSymbols<RadarSeries>
    • setSymbol

      public void setSymbol(HasSymbols.SymbolType symbolType)
      Description copied from interface: HasSymbols
      Sets predefined symbol type or replaces an existing one.
      Specified by:
      setSymbol in interface HasSymbols<RadarSeries>
      symbolType - symbol to set
    • setSymbol

      public void setSymbol(String icon)
      Description copied from interface: HasSymbols
      Sets a symbol or replaces an existing one.
      Possible values:
      • image://%url%, example: image://
      • image://%dataURI%, example: image://data:image/gif;base64,...
      • path://%svgPathData%, example: path://M30.9,53.2c16...
      Specified by:
      setSymbol in interface HasSymbols<RadarSeries>
      icon - symbol to set
    • getSymbolSize

      public Integer getSymbolSize()
      Specified by:
      getSymbolSize in interface HasSymbols<RadarSeries>
      symbol size
    • setSymbolSize

      public void setSymbolSize(Integer symbolSize)
      Description copied from interface: HasSymbols
      Sets a symbol size or replaces an existing one.
      Specified by:
      setSymbolSize in interface HasSymbols<RadarSeries>
      symbolSize - symbol size to set
    • getSymbolSizeFunction

      public JsFunction getSymbolSizeFunction()
      Specified by:
      getSymbolSizeFunction in interface HasSymbols<RadarSeries>
      callback function for symbol size
    • setSymbolSizeFunction

      public void setSymbolSizeFunction(JsFunction symbolSizeFunction)
      Description copied from interface: HasSymbols
      Sets a callback function for symbol size or replaces an existing one.
      Specified by:
      setSymbolSizeFunction in interface HasSymbols<RadarSeries>
      symbolSizeFunction - symbol size callback function
    • setSymbolSizeFunction

      public void setSymbolSizeFunction(String symbolSizeFunction)
      Description copied from interface: HasSymbols
      Sets a callback function for symbol size as string or replaces an existing one.
      Specified by:
      setSymbolSizeFunction in interface HasSymbols<RadarSeries>
      symbolSizeFunction - formatter function as string
    • getSymbolRotate

      public Integer getSymbolRotate()
      Specified by:
      getSymbolRotate in interface HasSymbols<RadarSeries>
      rotate degree of symbol
    • setSymbolRotate

      public void setSymbolRotate(Integer symbolRotate)
      Description copied from interface: HasSymbols
      Sets a rotate degree of symbol or replaces an existing one. The negative value represents clockwise.
      Specified by:
      setSymbolRotate in interface HasSymbols<RadarSeries>
      symbolRotate - rotate symbol to set
    • getSymbolKeepAspect

      public Boolean getSymbolKeepAspect()
      Specified by:
      getSymbolKeepAspect in interface HasSymbols<RadarSeries>
      true if the aspect for symbols must be kept, false otherwise
    • setSymbolKeepAspect

      public void setSymbolKeepAspect(Boolean symbolKeepAspect)
      Description copied from interface: HasSymbols
      Sets the keeping of aspects for a symbol.
      Specified by:
      setSymbolKeepAspect in interface HasSymbols<RadarSeries>
      symbolKeepAspect - whether to keep aspect for symbols in the form of path://%svgPathData%
    • getSymbolOffset

      public String[] getSymbolOffset()
      Specified by:
      getSymbolOffset in interface HasSymbols<RadarSeries>
      offset of symbol relative to original position
    • setSymbolOffset

      public void setSymbolOffset(String xOffset, String yOffset)
      Description copied from interface: HasSymbols
      Sets an offset of symbol relative to original position or replaces an existing one.
      Possible values:
      • Pixel values: hasSymbols.setSymbolOffset("10", "10");.
      • Percentage values: hasSymbols.setSymbolOffset("50%", "45%");.
      • Pixel and percentage values combination: hasSymbols.setSymbolOffset("5", "50%");.
      Specified by:
      setSymbolOffset in interface HasSymbols<RadarSeries>
      xOffset - horizontal offset
      yOffset - vertical offset
    • getItemStyle

      public ItemStyleWithDecal getItemStyle()
    • setItemStyle

      public void setItemStyle(ItemStyleWithDecal itemStyle)
    • getLineStyle

      public LineStyle getLineStyle()
    • setLineStyle

      public void setLineStyle(LineStyle lineStyle)
    • getAreaStyle

      public RadarSeries.AreaStyle getAreaStyle()
    • setAreaStyle

      public void setAreaStyle(RadarSeries.AreaStyle areaStyle)
    • getEmphasis

      public RadarSeries.Emphasis getEmphasis()
    • setEmphasis

      public void setEmphasis(RadarSeries.Emphasis emphasis)
    • getBlur

      public RadarSeries.Blur getBlur()
    • setBlur

      public void setBlur(RadarSeries.Blur blur)
    • getSelect

      public RadarSeries.Select getSelect()
    • setSelect

      public void setSelect(RadarSeries.Select select)
    • getAnimation

      public Boolean getAnimation()
    • setAnimation

      public void setAnimation(Boolean animation)
    • getAnimationThreshold

      public Integer getAnimationThreshold()
    • setAnimationThreshold

      public void setAnimationThreshold(Integer animationThreshold)
    • getAnimationDurationUpdate

      public Integer getAnimationDurationUpdate()
    • setAnimationDurationUpdate

      public void setAnimationDurationUpdate(Integer animationDurationUpdate)
    • getAnimationEasingUpdate

      public String getAnimationEasingUpdate()
    • setAnimationEasingUpdate

      public void setAnimationEasingUpdate(String animationEasingUpdate)
    • getAnimationDelayUpdate

      public Integer getAnimationDelayUpdate()
    • setAnimationDelayUpdate

      public void setAnimationDelayUpdate(Integer animationDelayUpdate)
    • withRadarIndex

      public RadarSeries withRadarIndex(Integer radarIndex)
    • withItemStyle

      public RadarSeries withItemStyle(ItemStyleWithDecal itemStyle)
    • withLineStyle

      public RadarSeries withLineStyle(LineStyle lineStyle)
    • withAreaStyle

      public RadarSeries withAreaStyle(RadarSeries.AreaStyle areaStyle)
    • withEmphasis

      public RadarSeries withEmphasis(RadarSeries.Emphasis emphasis)
    • withBlur

      public RadarSeries withBlur(RadarSeries.Blur blur)
    • withSelect

      public RadarSeries withSelect(RadarSeries.Select select)
    • withAnimation

      public RadarSeries withAnimation(Boolean animation)
    • withAnimationThreshold

      public RadarSeries withAnimationThreshold(Integer animationThreshold)
    • withAnimationDurationUpdate

      public RadarSeries withAnimationDurationUpdate(Integer animationDurationUpdate)
    • withAnimationEasingUpdate

      public RadarSeries withAnimationEasingUpdate(String animationEasingUpdate)
    • withAnimationDelayUpdate

      public RadarSeries withAnimationDelayUpdate(Integer animationDelayUpdate)