Class AbstractAxisAwareSeries<T extends AbstractAxisAwareSeries<T>>

Type Parameters:
T - origin series class type
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
BarSeries, BoxplotSeries, CandlestickSeries, EffectScatterSeries, FunnelSeries, LineSeries, PieSeries, ScatterSeries

public abstract class AbstractAxisAwareSeries<T extends AbstractAxisAwareSeries<T>> extends AbstractSeries<T>
Base class for series with Cartesian and polar coordinates.
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractAxisAwareSeries

      protected AbstractAxisAwareSeries(SeriesType type)
  • Method Details

    • getEncode

      public Encode getEncode()
    • setEncode

      public void setEncode(Encode encode)
    • getLegendHoverLink

      public Boolean getLegendHoverLink()
    • setLegendHoverLink

      public void setLegendHoverLink(Boolean legendHoverLink)
    • getSeriesLayoutBy

      public AbstractAxisAwareSeries.SeriesLayoutType getSeriesLayoutBy()
    • setSeriesLayoutBy

      public void setSeriesLayoutBy(AbstractAxisAwareSeries.SeriesLayoutType seriesLayoutBy)
    • getDatasetIndex

      public Integer getDatasetIndex()
    • setDatasetIndex

      public void setDatasetIndex(Integer datasetIndex)
    • getMarkPoint

      public MarkPoint getMarkPoint()
    • setMarkPoint

      public void setMarkPoint(MarkPoint markPoint)
    • getMarkLine

      public MarkLine getMarkLine()
    • setMarkLine

      public void setMarkLine(MarkLine markLine)
    • getMarkArea

      public MarkArea getMarkArea()
    • setMarkArea

      public void setMarkArea(MarkArea markArea)
    • withEncode

      public T withEncode(Encode encode)
    • withLegendHoverLink

      public T withLegendHoverLink(Boolean legendHoverLink)
    • withSeriesLayoutBy

      public T withSeriesLayoutBy(AbstractAxisAwareSeries.SeriesLayoutType seriesLayoutBy)
    • withDatasetIndex

      public T withDatasetIndex(Integer datasetIndex)
    • withMarkPoint

      public T withMarkPoint(MarkPoint markPoint)
    • withMarkLine

      public T withMarkLine(MarkLine markLine)
    • withMarkArea

      public T withMarkArea(MarkArea markArea)