Class AbstractDataZoom<T extends AbstractDataZoom<T>>

Type Parameters:
T - origin class type
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
InsideDataZoom, SliderDataZoom

public class AbstractDataZoom<T extends AbstractDataZoom<T>> extends ChartObservableObject
Base component witch used for zooming a specific area in the chart. More detailed information is provided in the documentation.
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractDataZoom

      protected AbstractDataZoom(DataZoomType type)
  • Method Details

    • getType

      public DataZoomType getType()
    • getId

      public String getId()
    • setId

      public void setId(String id)
    • getXAxisIndexes

      public Integer[] getXAxisIndexes()
    • setXAxisIndexes

      public void setXAxisIndexes(Integer... xAxisIndexes)
    • getYAxisIndexes

      public Integer[] getYAxisIndexes()
    • setYAxisIndexes

      public void setYAxisIndexes(Integer... yAxisIndexes)
    • getRadiusAxisIndexes

      public Integer[] getRadiusAxisIndexes()
    • setRadiusAxisIndexes

      public void setRadiusAxisIndexes(Integer... radiusAxisIndexes)
    • getAngleAxisIndexes

      public Integer[] getAngleAxisIndexes()
    • setAngleAxisIndexes

      public void setAngleAxisIndexes(Integer... angleAxisIndexes)
    • getFilterMode

      public AbstractDataZoom.FilterMode getFilterMode()
    • setFilterMode

      public void setFilterMode(AbstractDataZoom.FilterMode filterMode)
    • getStart

      public Double getStart()
    • setStart

      public void setStart(Double start)
    • getEnd

      public Double getEnd()
    • setEnd

      public void setEnd(Double end)
    • getStartValue

      public String getStartValue()
    • setStartValue

      public void setStartValue(String startValue)
    • getEndValue

      public String getEndValue()
    • setEndValue

      public void setEndValue(String endValue)
    • getMinSpan

      public Double getMinSpan()
    • setMinSpan

      public void setMinSpan(Double minSpan)
    • getMaxSpan

      public Double getMaxSpan()
    • setMaxSpan

      public void setMaxSpan(Double maxSpan)
    • getMinValueSpan

      public String getMinValueSpan()
    • setMinValueSpan

      public void setMinValueSpan(String minValueSpan)
    • getMaxValueSpan

      public String getMaxValueSpan()
    • setMaxValueSpan

      public void setMaxValueSpan(String maxValueSpan)
    • getOrientation

      public Orientation getOrientation()
    • setOrientation

      public void setOrientation(Orientation orientation)
    • getZoomLock

      public Boolean getZoomLock()
    • setZoomLock

      public void setZoomLock(Boolean zoomLock)
    • getThrottle

      public Integer getThrottle()
    • setThrottle

      public void setThrottle(Integer throttle)
    • getRangeMode

      public AbstractDataZoom.RangeMode[] getRangeMode()
    • setRangeMode

      public void setRangeMode(AbstractDataZoom.RangeMode start, AbstractDataZoom.RangeMode end)
    • withId

      public T withId(String id)
    • withXAxisIndexes

      public T withXAxisIndexes(Integer... xAxisIndexes)
    • withYAxisIndexes

      public T withYAxisIndexes(Integer... yAxisIndexes)
    • withRadiusAxisIndexes

      public T withRadiusAxisIndexes(Integer... radiusAxisIndexes)
    • withAngleAxisIndexes

      public T withAngleAxisIndexes(Integer... angleAxisIndexes)
    • withFilterMode

      public T withFilterMode(AbstractDataZoom.FilterMode filterMode)
    • withStart

      public T withStart(Double start)
    • withEnd

      public T withEnd(Double end)
    • withStartValue

      public T withStartValue(String startValue)
    • withEndValue

      public T withEndValue(String endValue)
    • withMinSpan

      public T withMinSpan(Double minSpan)
    • withMaxSpan

      public T withMaxSpan(Double maxSpan)
    • withMinValueSpan

      public T withMinValueSpan(String minValueSpan)
    • withMaxValueSpan

      public T withMaxValueSpan(String maxValueSpan)
    • withOrientation

      public T withOrientation(Orientation orientation)
    • withZoomLock

      public T withZoomLock(Boolean zoomLock)
    • withThrottle

      public T withThrottle(Integer throttle)
    • withRangeMode

      public T withRangeMode(AbstractDataZoom.RangeMode start, AbstractDataZoom.RangeMode end)