Class SimpleDataItem

All Implemented Interfaces:
DataItem, Serializable

public class SimpleDataItem extends Object implements DataItem
Data item, which contains an instance of any class.
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • item

      protected Object item
  • Constructor Details

    • SimpleDataItem

      public SimpleDataItem(Object item)
  • Method Details

    • getItem

      public Object getItem()
    • getValue

      public Object getValue(String path)
      Get a property value. Locates the property by the given path in object graph starting from this object.

      Each property in a class which will be used by SimpleDataItem must have a public getter method. Reflection is used to get property values.

      Specified by:
      getValue in interface DataItem
      path - path to the attribute
      the value of a property with the specified property path
      • If property value is an instance of Collection, then method returns List of SimpleDataItem.
      • If any traversing property value is null, this method stops here and returns current value.
      • Otherwise, method returns getter value.
    • getMethodsCache

      protected MethodsCache getMethodsCache(Object object)
    • getId

      public Object getId()
      Specified by:
      getId in interface DataItem
      unique identifier of DataItem