Package io.jmix.charts.component
Interface Chart<T extends Chart>
- Type Parameters:
- type of builder methods
- All Superinterfaces:
- All Known Subinterfaces:
- All Known Implementing Classes:
public interface Chart<T extends Chart>
extends Component, ChartModel<T>, Component.BelongToFrame, Component.HasIcon, Component.HasCaption
Base interface for all *Chart components.
Nested Class Summary
Nested ClassesModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptionstatic class
static class
static class
static class
static class
static class
static class
static class
Describes axis zoom event.static class
Describes chart click event.static class
Describes chart click event.static class
Describes cursor period select event.static class
Describes cursor zoom event.static class
Describes graph click event.static class
Describes graph item click event.static class
Describes graph item click event.static class
Describes legend item click event.static class
Describes legend item click event.static class
Describes legend item hide event.static class
Describes legend item show event.static class
Describes legend marker click event.static class
Describes the graph roll-out event.static class
Describes the data item roll-out event.static class
Describes the graph roll-over event.static class
Describes the data item roll-over event.static class
Describes slice click event.static class
Describes slice pull-in event.static class
Describes slice pull-out event.static class
Describes slice click event.static class
Describes zoom event.Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface io.jmix.ui.component.Component
Component.Alignment, Component.BelongToFrame, Component.Disposable, Component.Editable, Component.Focusable, Component.HasCaption, Component.HasDescription, Component.HasIcon, Component.HasXmlDescriptor, Component.Wrapper
Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface io.jmix.ui.component.Component
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionaddClickListener
(Consumer<Chart.ChartClickEvent> listener) Adds a listener for a chart.Adds a listener for a chart.Adds a listener for a chart.Adds a listener for a chart.Adds a listener for a chart.Adds a listener for a chart.void
Resend all items and properties to client and repaint chart.setDataProvider
(DataProvider dataProvider) Sets data provider that contains data set.void
(String json) Set additional JSON configuration as a string.Methods inherited from interface io.jmix.charts.model.chart.ChartModel
addAdditionalFields, addData, addLabels, addPrefixesOfBigNumbers, addPrefixesOfSmallNumbers, addTitles, getAccessible, getAccessibleDescription, getAccessibleTitle, getAddClassNames, getAdditionalFields, getAllLabels, getAutoDisplay, getAutoResize, getAutoTransform, getBackgroundAlpha, getBackgroundColor, getBalloon, getBorderAlpha, getBorderColor, getClassNamePrefix, getColor, getCreditsPosition, getDecimalSeparator, getDefs, getExport, getFontFamily, getFontSize, getHandDrawn, getHandDrawScatter, getHandDrawThickness, getHideBalloonTime, getLanguage, getLegend, getPanEventsEnabled, getPath, getPathToImages, getPercentPrecision, getPrecision, getPrefixesOfBigNumbers, getPrefixesOfSmallNumbers, getProcessCount, getProcessTimeout, getResponsive, getSvgIcons, getTapToActivate, getTheme, getThousandsSeparator, getTitles, getTouchClickDuration, getUsePrefixes, setAccessible, setAccessibleDescription, setAccessibleTitle, setAddClassNames, setAdditionalFields, setAllLabels, setAutoDisplay, setAutoResize, setAutoTransform, setBackgroundAlpha, setBackgroundColor, setBalloon, setBorderAlpha, setBorderColor, setClassNamePrefix, setColor, setCreditsPosition, setDecimalSeparator, setDefs, setExport, setFontFamily, setFontSize, setHandDrawn, setHandDrawScatter, setHandDrawThickness, setHideBalloonTime, setLanguage, setLegend, setPanEventsEnabled, setPath, setPathToImages, setPercentPrecision, setPrecision, setPrefixesOfBigNumbers, setPrefixesOfSmallNumbers, setProcessCount, setProcessTimeout, setResponsive, setSvgIcons, setTapToActivate, setTheme, setThousandsSeparator, setTitles, setTouchClickDuration, setUsePrefixes
Methods inherited from interface io.jmix.ui.component.Component
addStyleName, getAlignment, getHeight, getHeightSizeUnit, getId, getParent, getStyleName, getWidth, getWidthSizeUnit, isEnabled, isEnabledRecursive, isResponsive, isVisible, isVisibleRecursive, removeStyleName, setAlignment, setEnabled, setHeight, setHeightAuto, setHeightFull, setId, setParent, setResponsive, setSizeAuto, setSizeFull, setStyleName, setVisible, setWidth, setWidthAuto, setWidthFull, unwrap, unwrapComposition, unwrapCompositionOrNull, unwrapOrNull, withUnwrapped, withUnwrappedComposition
Methods inherited from interface io.jmix.ui.component.Component.BelongToFrame
getFrame, setFrame
Methods inherited from interface io.jmix.ui.component.Component.HasCaption
getCaption, setCaption
Methods inherited from interface io.jmix.ui.component.Component.HasDescription
getDescription, setDescription
Methods inherited from interface io.jmix.ui.component.Component.HasIcon
getIcon, setIcon, setIconFromSet
Method Details
DataProvider getDataProvider()- Specified by:
in interfaceChartModel<T extends Chart>
- Returns:
- the data provider
Description copied from interface:ChartModel
Sets data provider that contains data set.- Specified by:
in interfaceChartModel<T extends Chart>
- Parameters:
- the data provider- Returns:
- chart
- See Also:
void repaint()Resend all items and properties to client and repaint chart. Use this method if you change some property of already displayed chart. -
Adds a listener for a chart. Called when user clicks on the chart.- Parameters:
- a listener to add- Returns:
- subscription
Adds a listener for a chart. Called when user clicks on the chart.- Parameters:
- a listener to add- Returns:
- subscription
Adds a listener for a chart. Called when the legend item hided.- Parameters:
- a listener to add- Returns:
- subscription
Adds a listener for a chart. Called when the legend item showed.- Parameters:
- a listener to add- Returns:
- subscription
Adds a listener for a chart. Called when user clicks on the legend item.- Parameters:
- a listener to add- Returns:
- subscription
Adds a listener for a chart. Called when user clicks on the legend marker.- Parameters:
- a listener to add- Returns:
- subscription
Set additional JSON configuration as a string. This JSON can override configuration loaded from XML and from Component API.- Parameters:
- JSON configuration
String getNativeJson()- Returns:
- additional JSON configuration as a string.