Interface HasFeatureModifyStyles

All Known Implementing Classes:
Feature, LineStringFeature, MarkerFeature, MultiLineStringFeature, MultiMarkerFeature, MultiPointFeature, MultiPolygonFeature, PointFeature, PolygonFeature

public interface HasFeatureModifyStyles
Interface to be implemented by features that support modification styles.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getModifyStyles

      Collection<Style> getModifyStyles()
      collection of modify styles or empty collection if no styles were added
    • addModifyStyles

      void addModifyStyles(Style... styles)
      Adds modify styles to a feature.

      Note, modify styles will be applied not to the feature's geometry, but to the generated vertex point of the feature's geometry. This is because the map generates a point for geometry's vertices to enable modification: adding new vertex, change vertex position. So the provided styles should be valid for the point feature. So the provided styles should be valid for the point feature.

      To enable modify mode set SupportsFeatureModify.setFeatureModifyEnabled(Boolean) to true.

      styles - styles to add
    • addAllModifyStyles

      void addAllModifyStyles(Collection<Style> styles)
      styles - styles to add
      See Also:
    • removeModifyStyles

      void removeModifyStyles(Style... styles)
      Removes modify styles from a feature.
      styles - styles to remove
    • removeAllModifyStyles

      void removeAllModifyStyles()
      Removes all added modify styles from a feature.