Interface HasTitle

All Superinterfaces:
com.vaadin.flow.component.HasElement, Serializable
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractDropdownButton, BreadCrumbsPresenter.NavigationButton, CodeEditor, ComboBoxPicker, ComboButton, DropdownButton, EntityComboBox, EntityPicker, JmixBigDecimalField, JmixButton, JmixCodeEditor, JmixComboBox, JmixEmailField, JmixGridColumnVisibility, JmixIntegerField, JmixMultiSelectComboBox, JmixMultiSelectComboBoxPicker, JmixMultiValuePicker, JmixNumberField, JmixPasswordField, JmixUserIndicator, JmixValuePicker, MenuFilterField, MultiSelectComboBoxPicker, MultiValuePicker, SearchField, TypedTextField, UserIndicator, ValuePicker, ValuePickerBase, ValuePickerButton

public interface HasTitle extends com.vaadin.flow.component.HasElement
Mixin interface for components that displays text in a tooltip popup when the mouse is over it.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default String
    Returns the text usually displayed in a tooltip popup when the mouse is over the field.
    default void
    Sets the text usually displayed in a tooltip popup when the mouse is over the field.

    Methods inherited from interface com.vaadin.flow.component.HasElement

  • Method Details

    • getTitle

      @Nullable default String getTitle()
      Returns the text usually displayed in a tooltip popup when the mouse is over the field.
      the title property from the web-component
    • setTitle

      default void setTitle(@Nullable String title)
      Sets the text usually displayed in a tooltip popup when the mouse is over the field. The default implementations also sets aria-label HTML attribute to the root element.
      title - the title to set