Interface HasSubParts

All Known Subinterfaces:
DropdownButtonComponent, SingleFilterComponent<V>, UrlQueryParametersFacet
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractDropdownButton, ComboButton, DataGrid, DropdownButton, FullTextFilter, JmixGrid, JmixGridContextMenu, JmixMainTabSheet, JmixTabSheet, JmixTreeGrid, JpqlFilter, PropertyFilter, SingleFilterComponentBase, TreeDataGrid, UrlQueryParametersFacetImpl

public interface HasSubParts
Interface to be implemented by UI components that provide additional objects for framework as part of component API.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns a sub part object by its name.
  • Method Details

    • getSubPart

      @Nullable Object getSubPart(String name)
      Returns a sub part object by its name.
      name - sub part name, e.g. component id
      a sub part object by its name, or null if not found