Package io.jmix.core

Interface QueryParamValueProvider

All Known Implementing Classes:
CurrentLocaleQueryParamValueProvider, CurrentUserQueryParamValueProvider, SessionQueryParamValueProvider

public interface QueryParamValueProvider
Interface to be implemented by beans that provide values for query parameters if they are not set explicitly.

For any given query parameter with an empty value, all existing QueryParamValueProvider beans are requested until a provider supporting this parameter is found. You can use the Order annotation with the JmixOrder.HIGHEST_PRECEDENCE - 10 value to override providers of the framework.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    getValue(String paramName)
    Returns a value for the given parameter.
    supports(String paramName)
    Returns true if this provider supports the given parameter.
  • Method Details

    • supports

      boolean supports(String paramName)
      Returns true if this provider supports the given parameter.
    • getValue

      @Nullable Object getValue(String paramName)
      Returns a value for the given parameter.