Package io.jmix.mapsflowui.component.model.source
package io.jmix.mapsflowui.component.model.source
ClassDescriptionSource to cluster vector data.A source containing geo-objects (entities having a property of a
type).Interface to be implemented by sources that support clicks on geo-objects.An event that is fired when geo-object is clicked.An event is fired when user makes double click.An event is fired after 250 ms to ensure that it is not a double click.A source containing geo-objects (entities having a property of aGeometry
type) forHeatmapLayer
.Source for displaying a single, static image.Source for WMS servers providing single, untiled images.Source for the loading tiles from an OpenStreetMap tile server.Interface to be implemented by sources that support clicks on features.An event that is fired when feature is clicked.An event is fired when user makes double click on a feature.An event is fired after 250 ms to ensure that it is not a double click.Source for tile data from WMS servers.Source for working with features.Source for tile data with URLs in a set XYZ format that are defined in a URL template.