Class ReportTemplate

All Implemented Interfaces:
ReportTemplate, Serializable

@Entity(name="report_ReportTemplate") public class ReportTemplate extends Object implements ReportTemplate
Template for Report
See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final String DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_CODE
      See Also:

      public static final String NAME_FORMAT
      See Also:
    • report

      protected Report report
    • reportOutputType

      protected Integer reportOutputType
    • code

      protected String code
    • groovy

      protected Boolean groovy
    • custom

      protected Boolean custom
    • alterable

      protected Boolean alterable
    • customDefinition

      protected String customDefinition
    • customDefinedBy

      protected Integer customDefinedBy
    • outputNamePattern

      protected String outputNamePattern
    • name

      protected String name
    • content

      protected byte[] content
    • customReport

      protected transient CustomReport customReport
  • Constructor Details

    • ReportTemplate

      public ReportTemplate()
  • Method Details

    • getReportOutputType

      public ReportOutputType getReportOutputType()
    • setReportOutputType

      public void setReportOutputType(ReportOutputType reportOutputType)
    • getId

      public UUID getId()
    • setId

      public void setId(UUID id)
    • getVersion

      public Integer getVersion()
    • setVersion

      public void setVersion(Integer version)
    • getCreateTs

      public Date getCreateTs()
    • setCreateTs

      public void setCreateTs(Date createTs)
    • getCreatedBy

      public String getCreatedBy()
    • setCreatedBy

      public void setCreatedBy(String createdBy)
    • getUpdateTs

      public Date getUpdateTs()
    • setUpdateTs

      public void setUpdateTs(Date updateTs)
    • getUpdatedBy

      public String getUpdatedBy()
    • setUpdatedBy

      public void setUpdatedBy(String updatedBy)
    • getDeleteTs

      public Date getDeleteTs()
    • setDeleteTs

      public void setDeleteTs(Date deleteTs)
    • getDeletedBy

      public String getDeletedBy()
    • setDeletedBy

      public void setDeletedBy(String deletedBy)
    • getCode

      public String getCode()
      Specified by:
      getCode in interface ReportTemplate
    • setCode

      public void setCode(String code)
    • getReport

      public Report getReport()
    • setReport

      public void setReport(Report report)
    • getCustom

      public Boolean getCustom()
    • setCustom

      public void setCustom(Boolean custom)
    • getAlterable

      public Boolean getAlterable()
    • setAlterable

      public void setAlterable(Boolean alterable)
    • getGroovy

      public Boolean getGroovy()
    • setGroovy

      public void setGroovy(Boolean groovy)
    • getCustomDefinition

      public String getCustomDefinition()
    • setCustomDefinition

      public void setCustomDefinition(String customDefinition)
    • getContent

      public byte[] getContent()
    • setContent

      public void setContent(byte[] content)
    • getName

      public String getName()
    • setName

      public void setName(String name)
    • getExt

      public String getExt()
    • getCustomDefinedBy

      public CustomTemplateDefinedBy getCustomDefinedBy()
    • setCustomDefinedBy

      public void setCustomDefinedBy(CustomTemplateDefinedBy customDefinedBy)
    • getDocumentName

      public String getDocumentName()
      Specified by:
      getDocumentName in interface ReportTemplate
    • getDocumentPath

      public String getDocumentPath()
      Specified by:
      getDocumentPath in interface ReportTemplate
    • getDocumentContent

      public InputStream getDocumentContent()
      Specified by:
      getDocumentContent in interface ReportTemplate
      stream containing resulting document
    • getOutputType

      public ReportOutputType getOutputType()
      Specified by:
      getOutputType in interface ReportTemplate
      output type of for this template
    • setOutputNamePattern

      public void setOutputNamePattern(String outputNamePattern)
    • getOutputNamePattern

      public String getOutputNamePattern()
      Specified by:
      getOutputNamePattern in interface ReportTemplate
      name pattern for generating document. Example: ${Band1.FILE_NAME} or myDocument.doc
    • isGroovy

      public boolean isGroovy()
      Specified by:
      isGroovy in interface ReportTemplate
      if it is groovy html template.
    • isCustom

      public boolean isCustom()
      Specified by:
      isCustom in interface ReportTemplate
      if report is defined by custom class. In this case band data will be passed in io.jmix.reports.yarg.structure. ReportTemplate#getCustomReport() object and it will generate binary.
    • getCustomReport

      public CustomReport getCustomReport()
      Specified by:
      getCustomReport in interface ReportTemplate
      implementation of custom report logic.
    • setCustomReport

      public void setCustomReport(CustomReport customReport)
    • getCaption

      public String getCaption()
    • getChartDescription

      @Nullable public AbstractChartDescription getChartDescription()
    • setChartDescription

      public void setChartDescription(@Nullable AbstractChartDescription chartDescription)
    • getTemplateTableDescription

      public TemplateTableDescription getTemplateTableDescription()
    • setTemplateTableDescription

      public void setTemplateTableDescription(TemplateTableDescription description)
    • getPivotTableDescription

      public PivotTableDescription getPivotTableDescription()
    • setPivotTableDescription

      public void setPivotTableDescription(PivotTableDescription description)