Package io.jmix.maps.converter.wkt

package io.jmix.maps.converter.wkt
  • Classes
    Transforms LineString datatype into WKT (Well-known Text) representation that persists as a text and vice versa.
    Transforms MultiLineString datatype into WKT (Well-known Text) representation that persists as a text and vice versa.
    Transforms MultiPoint datatype into WKT (Well-known Text) representation that persists as a text and vice versa.
    Transforms MultiPolygon datatype into WKT (Well-known Text) representation that persists as a text and vice versa.
    Transforms Point datatype into WKT (Well-known Text) representation that persists as a text and vice versa.
    Transforms Polygon datatype into WKT (Well-known Text) representation that persists as a text and vice versa.