Interface EditedEntityTransformer

All Known Implementing Classes:
DynAttrAwareEntityTransformer, FetchPlanAwareEntityTransformer

public interface EditedEntityTransformer
Interface to be implemented by beans that transform an entity after returning it from a detail view.

A collection of such beans is used by DetailWindowBuilderProcessor.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    <E> E
    Transforms the entity to be added to the given container.
    <E> E
    transformForField(E editedEntity, com.vaadin.flow.component.HasValue<?,E> field)
    Transforms the entity to be added to the given UI field.
  • Method Details

    • transformForCollectionContainer

      <E> E transformForCollectionContainer(E editedEntity, CollectionContainer<E> container)
      Transforms the entity to be added to the given container.
      editedEntity - entity instance returned by detail view
      container - data container where the entity will be added
      transformed instance
    • transformForField

      <E> E transformForField(E editedEntity, com.vaadin.flow.component.HasValue<?,E> field)
      Transforms the entity to be added to the given UI field.
      editedEntity - entity instance returned by detail view
      field - UI field where the entity will be displayed
      transformed instance