Interface ViewSettingsComponentManager

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ViewSettingsComponentManager
Saves and restores settings for components.
  • Method Details

    • applySettings

      void applySettings(Collection<com.vaadin.flow.component.Component> components, ViewSettings viewSettings)
      Applies settings from ViewSettings to provided components.

      Note, component should have and id and ComponentSettingsBinder. Otherwise, it will be skipped while applying settings. See DataGridSettingsBinder as an example.

      components - components to apply settings
      viewSettings - View settings
    • applyDataLoadingSettings

      void applyDataLoadingSettings(Collection<com.vaadin.flow.component.Component> components, ViewSettings viewSettings)
      Applies data loading settings from ViewSettings to provided components.

      Note, component should have and id and ComponentSettingsBinder. Otherwise, it will be skipped while applying settings. See DataGridSettingsBinder as an example.

      components - components to apply settings
      viewSettings - View settings
    • saveSettings

      void saveSettings(Collection<com.vaadin.flow.component.Component> components, ViewSettings viewSettings)
      Persists settings if they are changed or ViewSettings.isModified() returns true.

      Note, component should have and id and ComponentSettingsBinder. Otherwise, it will be skipped while saving settings. See DataGridSettingsBinder as an example.

      components - components to save settings
      viewSettings - screen settings