Interface Downloader

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface Downloader
Generic interface to download data from the system.
  • Method Details

    • setFileStorage

      @Deprecated(since="2.3", forRemoval=true) void setFileStorage(FileStorage fileStorage)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Sets a file storage where the files will be downloaded from.
      fileStorage - file storage
    • isShowNewWindow

      boolean isShowNewWindow()
      true if downloader should open a new window with the file content
    • setShowNewWindow

      void setShowNewWindow(boolean showNewWindow)
      Sets explicit new window option.
      showNewWindow - true if downloader opens new window, otherwise false
    • download

      void download(DownloadDataProvider dataProvider, String resourceName, @Nullable DownloadFormat format)
      Downloads an arbitrary resource defined by a DownloadDataProvider.
      dataProvider - resource provider
      resourceName - resource name
      format - download format, can be null
    • download

      void download(DownloadDataProvider dataProvider, String resourceName)
      Downloads an arbitrary resource defined by a DownloadDataProvider.
      dataProvider - resource provider
      resourceName - resource name
    • download

      void download(FileRef fileReference)
      Downloads a file from the FileStorage retrieved by FileStorageLocator using storage name from FileRef.
      fileReference - file reference
    • download

      void download(FileRef fileReference, @Nullable DownloadFormat format)
      Downloads a file from the FileStorage retrieved by FileStorageLocator using storage name from FileRef.
      fileReference - file reference
      format - download format, can be null
    • download

      void download(byte[] data, String resourceName)
      Downloads passed byte array.
      data - data in the form of byte array
      resourceName - resource name
    • download

      void download(byte[] data, String resourceName, @Nullable DownloadFormat format)
      Downloads passed byte array.
      data - data in the form of byte array
      resourceName - resource name
      format - download format, can be null