Package io.jmix.core

Interface InstanceNameProvider

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface InstanceNameProvider
Provide instance name and instance name properties.
  • Method Details

    • isInstanceNameDefined

      boolean isInstanceNameDefined(Class<?> aClass)
      Checks if InstanceName annotation is present in an entity class, i.e. whether instance name can be obtained for entity instances.
      aClass - an entity class to check
      true if InstanceName annotation is present, false otherwise
    • getInstanceName

      String getInstanceName(Object instance)
      Gets entity instance name defined by InstanceName annotation. If InstanceName annotation is not defined, returns entity.toString().
      instance - an entity instance to get instance name
      instance name
    • getInstanceNameRelatedProperties

      Collection<MetaProperty> getInstanceNameRelatedProperties(MetaClass metaClass, boolean useOriginal)
      Return a collection of properties included into entity's name pattern (see InstanceName).
      metaClass - entity metaclass
      useOriginal - if true, and if the given metaclass doesn't define a InstanceName and if it is an extended entity, this method tries to find a name pattern in an original entity
      collection of the name pattern properties