Class AuthorizationServiceOpaqueTokenIntrospector

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class AuthorizationServiceOpaqueTokenIntrospector extends Object implements
Token introspector that queries the backing store of tokens (authorization service) and fills the authenticated principal authorities with proper roles depending on authorization grant type:
  • For AUTHORIZATION_CODE grant type, roles of authenticated user are used
  • For CLIENT_CREDENTIALS grant type, roles specified for the client in the properties file are used
  • For PASSWORD grant type, roles of authenticated user are used
  • Constructor Details

    • AuthorizationServiceOpaqueTokenIntrospector

      public AuthorizationServiceOpaqueTokenIntrospector( authorizationService, TokenIntrospectorRolesHelper introspectorRolesHelper)
  • Method Details

    • introspect

      public introspect(String token)
      Specified by:
      introspect in interface