Interface ReportingAPI

All Known Implementing Classes:
JmixReporting, Reporting

public interface ReportingAPI
This class is entry point for reporting functionality Use it to print reports
  • Method Details

    • runReport

      ReportOutputDocument runReport(RunParams runParams, OutputStream outputStream)
      This method generates report and put result to output stream. ! Attention : ReportOutputDocument.content field is null in this case !
      runParams - - parameters for report printing
      outputStream - - the stream which accept binary file generated by reporting
      ReportOutputDocument - object which describes generated report - its name, type etc
    • runReport

      ReportOutputDocument runReport(RunParams runParams)
      This method generates report and put result to ReportOutputDocument.content field
      runParams - - parameters for report printing
      ReportOutputDocument - object which describes generated report - its name, type etc