Interface Source.HasAttributionsCollapsible

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
NoOpTileWmsSource, NoOpXyzSource, TileWmsSource, XyzSource
Enclosing class:

public static interface Source.HasAttributionsCollapsible
Interface to be implemented by sources that should provide attributions collapsible management.

For more details see: Source docs

  • Method Details

    • getAttributionsCollapsible

      Boolean getAttributionsCollapsible()
      whether attributions should always be visible or can be hidden by info icon, null value means that default value is used: true
    • setAttributionsCollapsible

      void setAttributionsCollapsible(Boolean collapsible)
      Sets whether attributions should always be visible or can be hidden by info icon.

      Note, collapsible attribute is set only at creation time and cannot be changed at runtime.

      For more details see: Source docs

      collapsible - whether attributions should always be visible