Class BaseVectorLayerOptions

All Implemented Interfaces:
BaseVectorLayer.HasBackground, BaseVectorLayer.HasBaseVectorLayerOptions, BaseVectorLayer.HasDeclutter, BaseVectorLayer.HasRenderBuffer, BaseVectorLayer.HasUpdateWhileAnimating, BaseVectorLayer.HasUpdateWhileInteracting, HasBaseLayerOptions
Direct Known Subclasses:
BaseHeatmapLayerOptions, VectorLayerOptions

public abstract class BaseVectorLayerOptions extends BaseLayerOptions implements BaseVectorLayer.HasBaseVectorLayerOptions
Abstract implementation of options for vector data that is rendered client-side, as vectors.

For more details see: BaseVectorLayer docs

See Also:
  • Field Details

    • renderBuffer

      protected Double renderBuffer
    • declutter

      protected Boolean declutter
    • background

      protected String background
    • updateWhileAnimating

      protected Boolean updateWhileAnimating
    • updateWhileInteracting

      protected Boolean updateWhileInteracting
  • Constructor Details

    • BaseVectorLayerOptions

      public BaseVectorLayerOptions()
  • Method Details

    • getRenderBuffer

      public Double getRenderBuffer()
      Specified by:
      getRenderBuffer in interface BaseVectorLayer.HasRenderBuffer
      the render buffer in pixels, null value means that default value is used: 100
    • setRenderBuffer

      public void setRenderBuffer(Double renderBuffer)
      Description copied from interface: BaseVectorLayer.HasRenderBuffer
      Sets the buffer in pixels around the viewport extent used by the renderer when getting features from the vector source for the rendering or hit-detection. The hit detection only checks features that are within a certain distance of the given position. For large icons, the actual geometry of a feature might be too far away and is not considered. Recommended value: the size of the largest symbol, line width or label.

      Note, render buffer is set only at creation time and cannot be changed at runtime.

      For more details see: BaseVectorLayer docs

      Specified by:
      setRenderBuffer in interface BaseVectorLayer.HasRenderBuffer
      renderBuffer - the buffer in pixels
    • getDeclutter

      public Boolean getDeclutter()
      Specified by:
      getDeclutter in interface BaseVectorLayer.HasDeclutter
      whether declutter images and texts, null value means that default value is used: false
    • setDeclutter

      public void setDeclutter(Boolean declutter)
      Description copied from interface: BaseVectorLayer.HasDeclutter
      Sets whether declutter images and texts. Decluttering is applied to all image and text styles of all vector layers that have set this to true. The priority is defined by the z-index of the layer, the Style.withZIndex(Integer) of the style and the render order of features. Higher z-index means higher priority. Within the same z-index, a feature rendered before another has higher priority.

      As an optimization decluttered features from layers with the same Layer.setClassName(String) are rendered above the Fill and Stroke styles of all of those layers regardless of z-index. To opt out of this behavior and place declutterd features with their own layer configure the layer with a className other than 'ol-layer'.

      The default value is false.

      Note, declutter is set only at creation time and cannot be changed at runtime.

      For more details see: BaseVectorLayer docs

      Specified by:
      setDeclutter in interface BaseVectorLayer.HasDeclutter
      declutter - whether declutter images and texts
    • getBackground

      public String getBackground()
      Specified by:
      getBackground in interface BaseVectorLayer.HasBackground
      background color for the layer or null if not set
    • setBackground

      public void setBackground(String color)
      Description copied from interface: BaseVectorLayer.HasBackground
      Sets the background color for the layer. If not specified, no background will be rendered.

      Note, background color is set only at creation time and cannot be changed at runtime.

      For more details see: BaseVectorLayer docs

      Specified by:
      setBackground in interface BaseVectorLayer.HasBackground
      color - color to set
    • getUpdateWhileAnimating

      public Boolean getUpdateWhileAnimating()
      Specified by:
      getUpdateWhileAnimating in interface BaseVectorLayer.HasUpdateWhileAnimating
      whether feature batches will be recreated during animations, null value means that default value is used: false
    • setUpdateWhileAnimating

      public void setUpdateWhileAnimating(Boolean updateWhileAnimating)
      Description copied from interface: BaseVectorLayer.HasUpdateWhileAnimating
      Sets whether feature batches will be recreated during animations. This means that no vectors will be shown clipped, but the setting will have a performance impact for large amounts of vector data. When set to false, batches will be recreated when no animation is active.

      The default value is false.

      Note, "updateWhileAnimating" is set only at creation time and cannot be changed at runtime. For more details see: BaseVectorLayer docs

      Specified by:
      setUpdateWhileAnimating in interface BaseVectorLayer.HasUpdateWhileAnimating
      updateWhileAnimating - whether feature batches will be recreated during animations
    • getUpdateWhileInteracting

      public Boolean getUpdateWhileInteracting()
      Specified by:
      getUpdateWhileInteracting in interface BaseVectorLayer.HasUpdateWhileInteracting
      whether feature batches will be recreated during interactions, null value means that default value is used: false
    • setUpdateWhileInteracting

      public void setUpdateWhileInteracting(Boolean updateWhileInteracting)
      Description copied from interface: BaseVectorLayer.HasUpdateWhileInteracting
      Sets whether feature batches will be recreated during interactions. The default value is false.

      For instance, if the user moves map by mouse, the features that were not visible will be drawn after the user releases the pressed mouse. To enable always drawing features, set property to true.

      Note, "updateWhileInteracting" is set only at creation time and cannot be changed at runtime.

      For more details see: BaseVectorLayer docs

      Specified by:
      setUpdateWhileInteracting in interface BaseVectorLayer.HasUpdateWhileInteracting
      updateWhileInteracting - whether feature batches will be recreated during interactions