Class DataAwareComponentsTools


@Component("flowui_DataAwareComponentsTools") public class DataAwareComponentsTools extends Object
Utility bean that provides typical data aware operations with UI components.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • setupLength

      public void setupLength(HasLengthLimited component, EntityValueSource<?,?> valueSource)
      Sets length limits for textual UI component using Entity metadata.
      component - UI component
      valueSource - value source
    • setupZoneId

      public void setupZoneId(HasZoneId component, EntityValueSource<?,?> valueSource)
      Sets ZoneId for HasZoneId UI component using Entity metadata.
      component - UI component
      valueSource - value source
    • setupRange

      public void setupRange(com.vaadin.flow.component.datetimepicker.DateTimePicker component, EntityValueSource<?,?> valueSource)
      Sets the selectable date range in LocalDateTime format for DateTimePicker component using Entity metadata.
      component - DateTimePicker component
      valueSource - value source
    • setupRange

      public void setupRange(com.vaadin.flow.component.datepicker.DatePicker component, EntityValueSource<?,?> valueSource)
      Sets the selectable date range in LocalDate format for DatePicker component using Entity metadata.
      component - DatePicker component
      valueSource - value source
    • setupRange

      public void setupRange(com.vaadin.flow.component.timepicker.TimePicker component, EntityValueSource<?,?> valueSource)
      Sets the selectable time range in LocalTime format for TimePicker component using Entity metadata.
      component - TimePicker component
      valueSource - value source
    • getMaxRange

      protected <T> Optional<T> getMaxRange(@Nullable Object currentMaxValue, EntityValueSource<?,?> valueSource, Class<T> datatype)
    • getMinRange

      protected <T> Optional<T> getMinRange(@Nullable Object currentMinValue, EntityValueSource<?,?> valueSource, Class<T> datatype)
    • getTemporalType

      @Nullable protected jakarta.persistence.TemporalType getTemporalType(@Nullable MetaProperty metaProperty, Class<?> javaType)