Class UiShowViewContext

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class UiShowViewContext extends Object implements AccessContext
  • Field Details

    • viewId

      protected final String viewId
    • permitted

      protected boolean permitted
  • Constructor Details

    • UiShowViewContext

      public UiShowViewContext(String viewId)
  • Method Details

    • getViewId

      public String getViewId()
    • setDenied

      public void setDenied()
    • isPermitted

      public boolean isPermitted()
    • explainConstraints

      @Nullable public String explainConstraints()
      Description copied from interface: AccessContext
      Returns a human-readable explanation of constraints applied to the current context instance for logging of authorization decisions. Null if the current context does not impose any constraints.
      Specified by:
      explainConstraints in interface AccessContext