Interface EntityImportPlanJsonBuilder

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface EntityImportPlanJsonBuilder
Class that is used for building an EntityImportPlan based on the JSON object that represents an entity.
  • Method Details

    • buildFromJson

      EntityImportPlan buildFromJson(String json, MetaClass metaClass)
      Builds an EntityImportPlan that contains all fields that are presented in the JSON object.

      All references will be added to the plan as a ReferenceImportBehaviour.ERROR_ON_MISSING behavior. All references that have a @Composition annotation will be added to the plan with a property that has a EntityImportPlanProperty. This means that compositions will be persisted during the import. Absent collection items will be removed from the database.

      For many-to-many association items corresponding entities will be searched in the database. If any of them is missing, an error will be thrown. Absent collection members will be excluded from the many-to-many association.

      json - a string that represents a JSON object
      metaClass - a MetaClass of the entity
      an EntityImportPlan
    • buildFromJsonArray

      EntityImportPlan buildFromJsonArray( jsonArray, MetaClass metaClass)
      Builds an EntityImportPlan that contains properties from all collection members. If the first member contains the property A, and the second one contains a property B then a result import plan will contain both properties A and B. Plans for nested collections (2nd level compositions) are also merged.
      jsonArray - a JsonArray
      metaClass - a metaClass of entities that are in the jsonArray
      an EntityImportPlan