Class Decal.DashArray

Enclosing class:

public static class Decal.DashArray extends Object
DashArray controls the horizontal pattern.
Possible values:
  • If it is of type number, it means that the pattern and the blank space are of this value respectively. For example, 5 means the pattern with width 5 is displayed first, then 5 pixels empty, then the pattern with width 5 is displayed.
  • n the case of array type, it means that the pattern and empty space are loops of an array of values. For example: [5, 10, 2, 6] means the pattern is 5 pixels wide, then 10 pixels empty, then the pattern is 2 pixels wide, then 6 pixels empty, then the pattern is 5 pixels wide.
  • If of type twoDimensionalArray, it means that each row is a loop with an array of values for the pattern and blank space. For example: [10, [2, 5]] means that the first line will be 10 pixels by 10 pixels and empty space, the second line will be 2 pixels by 2 pixels and empty space, and the third line will be 10 pixels by 10 pixels and empty space.

More detailed information is provided in the documentation.

See Also:
  • Field Details

    • number

      protected Integer number
    • array

      protected Integer[] array
    • twoDimensionalArray

      protected Integer[][] twoDimensionalArray
  • Constructor Details

    • DashArray

      public DashArray(Integer number)
    • DashArray

      public DashArray(Integer... array)
    • DashArray

      public DashArray(Integer[][] twoDimensionalArray)
  • Method Details

    • getNumber

      public Integer getNumber()
    • getArray

      public Integer[] getArray()
    • getTwoDimensionalArray

      public Integer[][] getTwoDimensionalArray()