Package io.jmix.ui.widget.client.addon.aceeditor.gwt
package io.jmix.ui.widget.client.addon.aceeditor.gwt
GWT adaptation of Ace Editor. No Vaadin code in this package.
is the editor, mostly implemented in JSNI.
ClassDescriptionAn annotation shown at the Ace editor.Listens to Ace cursor changes.A text change event received from Ace.Listens to Ace text changes.Listens to Ace selection changes.A GWT adaptation of Ace editor.An event received from Ace.Handles key presses.A command returned by GwtAceKeyboardHandler#handleKeyboard(JavaScriptObject, int, String, int, JavaScriptObject) .{row: int, column: int}{start:
, end:GwtAcePosition
{ range:GwtAceRange
, isBackwards: function }