Class GeometryStyles.PointStyleBuilder

Enclosing class:

public class GeometryStyles.PointStyleBuilder extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • PointStyleBuilder

      public PointStyleBuilder()
  • Method Details

    • withFontIcon

      public FontPointIcon withFontIcon(Icons.Icon icon)
      A point will be represented on a map by a marker with an inner font-icon from icon set.

      An icon passed as a method parameter supposed to be a font-icon, otherwise all settings will be ignored and the default marker will be used instead.

      icon - font-icon to be used inside a marker. For example, CubaIcon.SHOPPING_BAG.
    • withFontIcon

      public FontPointIcon withFontIcon(String icon)
      A point will be represented on a map by a marker with an inner font-icon.

      An icon passed as a method parameter supposed to be a font-icon, otherwise all settings will be ignored and the default marker will be used instead.

      icon - source of the icon. For example, "font-icon:SHOPPING_BAG".
    • withImageIcon

      public ImagePointIcon withImageIcon(Icons.Icon icon)
      A point will be represented on a map by a custom marker icon using the given icon from icon set.

      This method doesn't support font-icons. To work with font-icons, use withFontIcon(Icons.Icon) instead.

      icon - to be used as a marker icon.
    • withImageIcon

      public ImagePointIcon withImageIcon(String icon)
      A point will be represented on a map by a custom marker icon using the given icon.
      icon - source of the icon. For example, "theme:awesomeFolder/superIcon.png".
    • withImageIcon

      public ImagePointIcon withImageIcon(URL iconUrl)
      A point will be represented on a map by a custom marker icon using the image located in the given URL.
      iconUrl - url of the image
    • withDivIcon

      public DivPointIcon withDivIcon(String html)
      A point will be represented on a map by a fully custom lightweight icon that uses the given <div> element instead of an image.