
Interface Emailer

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface Emailer
Provides application with emailing functionality.
Sending email can be synchronous (caller's thread is blocked until email is delivered to SMTP server) or asynchronous (email is persisted in a DB queue and sent later by scheduled task).
In order to send emails asynchronously, you should register a scheduled task that periodically invokes processQueuedEmails() method.
  • Method Details

    • sendEmail

      void sendEmail(String address, String subject, String body, String bodyContentType, Boolean important, EmailAttachment... attachment) throws EmailException
      Send email synchronously.
      address - comma or semicolon separated list of addresses
      subject - email subject
      body - email body
      bodyContentType - email body like "text/plain; charset=UTF-8" or "text/html; charset=UTF-8", etc
      attachment - email attachments
      EmailException - in case of any errors
    • sendEmail

      void sendEmail(EmailInfo info) throws EmailException
      Send email synchronously.
      info - email details
      EmailException - in case of any errors
    • sendEmailAsync

      SendingMessage sendEmailAsync(EmailInfo info, @Nullable Integer attemptsLimit, @Nullable Date deadline)
      Send email asynchronously, with limited number of attempts.
      info - email details
      attemptsLimit - count of attempts to send (1 attempt per scheduler tick). If not specified, EmailerProperties.getDefaultSendingAttemptsLimit() is used
      deadline - Emailer tries to send message till deadline. If deadline has come and message has not been sent, status of this message is changed to SendingStatus.NOT_SENT
      created SendingMessage
    • sendEmailAsync

      SendingMessage sendEmailAsync(EmailInfo info)
      Send email asynchronously.

      This method creates a SendingMessage, saves it to the database and returns immediately. The actual sending is performed by the processQueuedEmails() method which should be invoked by a scheduled task.

      info - email details
      created SendingMessage
    • processQueuedEmails

      String processQueuedEmails()
      Send emails added to the queue.

      This method should be called periodically from a scheduled task.

      short message describing how many emails were sent, or error message