Annotation Interface FixedYearlyHoliday

Defines holiday that has the same date independent of year (like "4th of July") in annotated business calendar (see BusinessCalendar). Multiple FixedYearlyHoliday annotations may be placed on a single method. FixedYearlyHoliday annotation may be present on multiple methods of the same class, annotated method can have any name and return value.


 @BusinessCalendar(name = "calendarName", code = "uniqueCalendarCode")
 public interface AnnotatedBusinessCalendarExample {

     @FixedYearlyHoliday(month = Month.NOVEMBER, dayOfMonth = 4)
     @FixedYearlyHoliday(month = Month.JUNE, dayOfMonth = 12)
     void fixedYearlyHolidays();
See Also:
  • Required Element Summary

    Required Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Required Element
    Returns day of month for given holiday.
    Returns Month for given holiday.
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    Describes why given day is a holiday.
  • Element Details

    • month

      Month month
      Returns Month for given holiday.
    • dayOfMonth

      int dayOfMonth
      Returns day of month for given holiday.
    • description

      String description
      Describes why given day is a holiday.